Daniel Eggington - Latest News

Meeting Bear Grylls

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The expectation of meeting Bear Grylls was always imagine if I actually could. But it was introduced me by a man a pestered for ages to speak about my upcoming expedition to the Darien Gap.

Snakes of Bali

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Bali is tropical paradise so my trip was initially family oriented. A wedding in which I spent a little time with the family and then I went of to explore the island. Initially a place called wanigiri a small community in the mountains of central Bali.

The City of God

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So as we arrived in the favela we were immediately stared at, me in particular as I evidently don’t look Brazilian and people who travel in the favelas are known almost always by the young men and women on the front gate.

Rio de Janeiro

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2 days in Rio de Janeiro - this article is about the two days before going into Marè and how I spent my time in Rio

Essequibo Expedition - Days 10 to 11

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We began today in high spirits as the river was said to be clear until after an island called gluck island. Where the river had separated into, two wide channels where was looking forward to seeing.

Essequibo Expedition - Days 7 to 9

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So day 7 began as the previous days did a small breakfast and clearing camp I brought up the previous night and how I reacted. Campbell laughed and said good you did it could have been thieves.

Essequibo Expedition - Days 4 to 6

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We named the latest camp fly island as there were thousands of them, as we began to prepare for the day ahead by preparing breakfast. The fishing was not at its best last night.

Essequibo Expedition - First 3 Days

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We headed to where we asked for a boat on the previous days as well as a guide. With a high expectation of it being successful 2 boats set off from King Williams eco-tour islands all family with food in hand which was the best-tasting food.

Beginning my Essequibo Expedition

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The flight from ogle airport took a little over an hour. The plane we flew in was tiny the pilots seat the second seat in the front and four more behind in rows of two.

Georgetown, Guyana

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My time in Georgetown began at Cheddi Jagan airport, the main arrival airport in the country as we broke through the dense clouds the rainforest was immense.