Daniel Eggington - Latest News

Colombia Why I keep going back

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Those of you who follow my blog will know how much I enjoy travelling to Colombia. The country has had my attention since I first hopped off the plane back in 2014 on just a short layover. Since then, I have been back 4 times…and I am not done with the country yet! In a few weeks’ time I will be hopping on a plane back to Colombia; I cannot think of a better place to start travelling again after COVID restrictions lift!

The People I meet on the road

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Making new friends and acquaintances on the road is one of my favourite things about being a solo traveller. I have not only explored all corners of the globe and travelled in the most unconventional ways, to the most amazing places, I’ve also met some of the nicest, kindest people out there. Travelling is not just about how many countries you visit, or how long you spend on a trip, it’s about the people you meet on the way.

Winter Training: A night in the Brecon national Park

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Training in winter is never easy, but this year, the added complication of COVID has made getting out in the hills extra hard. Finally, this weekend, after months of delays and cancellations, myself and a friend ventured to Wales to get some training in.
Under UK guidelines, physical training like this is allowed if you gain permission and follow restrictions. So, I waited for the ‘go-ahead’, gathered a friend and headed out to camp in the Brecons for the night. The virus meant not only dates, times, and location of the trip were affected, but so were the number of people who could come, and which friends felt they were up for struggles and hardships of ruthless winter training. Despite the challenges, I was overjoyed to finally have the opportunity to be out in nature again, doing what I love most.

What is next for year 2021

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Well, what a year 2020 has been for international travel and explorers like myself.
Unsurprisingly, the travel and tourism industry has been one of the sectors hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. It put a halt in so many people’s travel plans, including my own. After many cancellation emails later, I’ve come to accept 2020 was just not the year for international travel. Though it has been disappointing in many ways, 2020 has inspired me to get my head down and make plans for my future trips in the year to come.

My first published book

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So. I am officially an author. I never thought I would say that, but after 9 months of writing, persistence and hard work, I have finally published my first book. It wasn’t easy, but I’m proud to say ‘The Essequibo River’ is now available to purchase on Amazon.

How I plan an expedition

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I’m never home for long before I start to feel the urge to go on another adventure. Planning an expedition is a lot of work. These are some of the things that I consider when choosing my next big adventure and prepare for it.

The SPOT GEN 3 device GPS tracking

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REVIEW: How the SPOT Gen 3 GPS connected me to loved ones on my latest adventure better than ever
My adventures take me beyond the realms of mobile data service. And certainly outside the bounds of a Wi-Fi hotspot. So when I’m travelling, a satellite GPS tracker is an essential part of my kit for maintaining vital communication, wherever I am in the world.

How to Prepare For 1000 Mile Bike Trip to Spain

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During these stay-at-home times, our 'normal' stress-busting routines are no longer obtainable. As new COVID-19 cases continued to spread rapidly in the UK and globally, we were requested to stay at home to stop the spread.