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A Birthday Adventure on the Fan Dance in Brecon Beacons

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January, the coldest and most unforgiving month in Britain, isn't exactly the prime time for outdoor escapades. Yet, for me, it presented the perfect opportunity for a unique birthday celebration. Rather than the usual partying, I decided to test my limits and create unforgettable memories by attempting the legendary Fan Dance in the heart of Brecon Beacons National Park. And to make it even more special, I convinced my brother, a boxing world champion with no prior hill or rucking experience, to join me on this exhilarating journey.

How I document my travels

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It doesn’t matter where we go or how far we travel to get there, the one thing we all want to do is remember the journey we took, the places we visited and the food we ate.
For many of us that is simply sharing a photo on social media, while some people like to take a notebook and write about the places they visit.
Technology tends to be the go-to when it comes to documenting travel and the way we share things with family and friends.
Many of us will use social media apps and travel apps such as Journi and Evernote are becoming a more popular way to document your travels. They allow you to store photos and make notes as you go and are a great way to preserve your memories.
I have never used any of these apps as I prefer the good old-fashioned notepad to make brief notes of this that happen.

Vaccines and Visas

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First of all, I set out a budget for the trip, I usually aim for a round figure but it is always upwards of £5,000 - more than enough for a trip anywhere in the world for four to six weeks.
Don’t think you can load up the credit card and a way you go either.
Remember, travelling to rural, remote locations cash is king!
Money talks anywhere in the world, from bribes to transport costs to all in between.

Always planning

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You would think I would need a break from travel after my last expedition, but, it isn’t long before I find my feet itching and the desire to fly away calling me.
However, planning an expedition is not a simple case of sticking a pin in the map and away you go.
No, it takes time. In my case, planning an expedition takes up to two years of research.
Firstly, you have to be drawn to a particular location. For me, there is always a reason behind why I want to go to a certain country.
It could be an animal I would love to see in its natural habitat, or simply the culture of the location that draws me in, making me want to experience it for myself.

The relief

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That saying ‘can’t wait to get home and have a cuppa’ is no lie.
Be it a freshly brewed cup of tea, catching your favourite tv show or climbing into your own bed, as much as we can’t wait to go away, coming home to our creature comforts is a feeling you truly can not beat.
But for me, there was something else, my comfort was in being able to say ‘I did it. I proved you wrong’

Aftermath of the Darién

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I felt sick, I felt overwhelmed, I felt relieved.
Is it really possible to have so many feelings hit you simultaneously?
The truth is ‘yes’

Final instalment of the Darien gap crossing.

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I came out unscathed from the deadfall, although I witnessed it happening only 10 metres away from me, so it was difficult to get any peaceful rest. Also, I took the time to assess the damage and found that skin was torn from my shoulders and hips, and my toenails were ripped out—the exposed nerve endings kept surging me with pain—especially when I was back on the move.
Whilst following the river, I started to feel lost, and no sight of any communities or people as my guide promised — I was not meant to take on this part of the journey alone.

I began to have muscle spasms in my legs to the point it became debilitating, where I had to just take a seat and sit with my anxious thoughts. My chest was also in pain and I believed I might have picked up some disease from the insects.

Darien gap crossing part 3

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The guide and I had covered 15 miles of walking on our first day on foot in the Darién Gap. Still, we hoped to have covered more ground that day to reduce as much time spent in this hostile jungle as possible. The longer you stay, the faster you begin to break down, as though the wild slowly digests you.
We were no longer on fresh legs as we had been on day one. Now it all depended on willpower to push through on day two, where we made it into the most remote, mountainous and central region of the jungle between the start and end of this journey.

The Darién gap crossing Part 2

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The expedition's ultimate test would finally begin after leaving the indigenous village and attempting to cross through the most extreme parts of the Darién Gap by foot carrying a 27kg backpack containing a sleeping bag, hammock, video equipment and food.

Beginning the Darien gap crossing

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A dangerous expedition will usually have one key selling point for a daring explorer, whether it’s the natural landscape that provides the challenge, perhaps political turmoil in the area, or deadly wildlife.
Few will have every risky attraction tied to their names, yet The Darién Gap has them all—with a laundry list of challenges you must face passing through this wild, remote region between North and South America.
Drawn to this hostile region was UK explorer Daniel Eggington, who had spent 5-years working towards going on this incredible expedition to cross the Darién Gap by foot. Many would deter Eggington from embarking on this mission, including legendary survivalist Bear Grylls. Still, Eggington was adamant about completing this challenge. He was further driven by the idea of educating people on the infamous region through his first-hand experience.
Still, the question lingers, what makes The Darién Gap so infamously dangerous yet spectacular?