5th May 2021 09:30
At one point on the expedition, I actually had to move a python from the path in front of me which was surreal, to say the least. On the same day, we also had to wait two hours for a female orangutan to move off our path. It would not have been safe to scoot around her- they are bigger than you think. Eventually, she shifted and we were able to continue with our hike. Seeing the Orangutans close though was an incredible experience…and the excitement didn’t end there. I’ll never forget watching the Macaque monkeys steal our pancakes on my 18th birthday morning. Not very typical for a young man's 18th, but nevertheless, I was over the moon to be chilling out with the Macaques on my birthday.
4th January 2021 12:45
Well, what a year 2020 has been for international travel and explorers like myself.
Unsurprisingly, the travel and tourism industry has been one of the sectors hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic. It put a halt in so many people’s travel plans, including my own. After many cancellation emails later, I’ve come to accept 2020 was just not the year for international travel. Though it has been disappointing in many ways, 2020 has inspired me to get my head down and make plans for my future trips in the year to come.
5th December 2020 11:00
I’m never home for long before I start to feel the urge to go on another adventure. Planning an expedition is a lot of work. These are some of the things that I consider when choosing my next big adventure and prepare for it.
23rd May 2020 09:11
How is the Covid-19 global pandemic impacting travel plans? Is Coronavirus killing tourism? Travel plan inspiration for UK adventures post lockdown.
18th June 2019 20:51
In the last month, I have secured 4 new sponsorship and partners with organisations which are paramount to the success of the expedition to the darién gap In Colombia and Panama.
3rd June 2019 10:22
Any extended expedition is a physical and mental feat for the human body.
3rd April 2019 09:00
The equipment to take on a solo expedition lasting more than a week.