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Scarlet Macaw

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Macaws are the largest parrots in the world but the body of the scarlet macaw from beak to tail can be as long as 33 inches. This beautiful macaw has a creamy white, almost featherless face with a strong beak which is ideal for, cracking strong nuts found in their range, with an intensely red plumage. Tis species is hard to mis in flight wherever you are in its range.


The range of the scarlet macaw ara macao is from northern central america to as far as the amazon basin, anywhere such as undisturbed rainforest at higher elevations and riparian (riverine) forests. They are known to have very large territories. Where they seem to know where fruiting trees are when they are most generous. There is also an active population on the island of coiba, which is some distance of the pacific coast which proves the adaptation of such a species to inhabit difficult locations.

Macaw Range
Macaw Range


The behaviour of the scarlet macaw as an individual bird gather in flocks at night to roost and sleep in close proximity of one another. But are in fact monogamous like all known psitticidae species. Which also are known to show behaviour similar to affection by licking one another face which is rare in birds. All parrot species are known as zygodactyly which defines to two toe forward facing and two backwards, along with two other bird families the cuckoos and woodpeckers.

Conservation status

The parrot family psitticidae true parrots has approximately 350 species, which includes the afrotropical species of the old world which, has much smaller species numbers than the neotropical arinae species where there are more than 100 species where 17 are macaws which are part of psittacinae includes the scarlet macaw. So the current status of this species around 46 of arinae species are threatened with worldwide extinction including the scarlet macaw. Due to the deforestation, which decreases the overall bird and wildlife population and as the macaw are classed as secondary nesters such as existing cavities are decreasing due to a knock on effect.